Friday, March 27, 2020

Consider Organic Chemistry in School

Consider Organic Chemistry in SchoolIf you are one of the people who believe that having a good amount of water on your body is important, then consider taking organic chemistry in class. Organic chemistry is a very well known subject, even if some of you might not have heard about it.So, what exactly is organic chemistry? Basically, organic chemistry deals with different kinds of reactions occurring in the body and how these reactions affect the human body. There are many theories on how organic chemistry works, but the most commonly used theories tell us that there are seven parts to every living system.The most common theory is that there is a chemical reaction going on inside the body, and the body is trying to maintain itself as a part of the body. Every part of the body has a chemical reaction that occurs during the day, however, organic chemistry takes into account how the chemical reaction can be improved or altered. This could be something as simple as adjusting the flow of nutrients through the body to fix problems that occur due to not receiving the proper food and water.It could also mean things like improving the functioning of the organs of the body, making sure that the immune system is working properly, and giving the body a positive outcome. For instance, improving the immune system would mean having a good amount of proteins and fats in the body. If the body has no nutrients or amino acids, it would make it hard for the body to stay healthy.Theories about organic chemistry involve several processes that occur throughout the body. One of the processes that takes place is when there is an enzyme that is created by the body that is responsible for absorbing excess fluids. This can be used to keep the body from going into shock or dehydration, or can even improve how your body performs.There are many cases where organic chemistry can be used to help someone recover from an illness. For instance, studies have shown that some illnesses are made wors e by not getting enough water and nutrients in the body, and organic chemistry could be used to treat illnesses that are made worse by the lack of these components.You should consider taking organic chemistry in school if you have a love for this subject matter. However, you should also think about the benefits that you will get out of it. Whether you want to use it for personal uses or you want to see improvements in the lives of others, there are many uses for organic chemistry in the human body.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How Do College Students Spend Their Time

How Do College Students Spend Their Time Anna L Nov 14, 2018 Find a Top Rated College Tutor Near You! It's simple and secure - Get real results fast. Find expert private tutors at reasonable rates today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson A common question asked by parents, student, faculty and staff is how do college students spend their time? Because a lot of them do not seem to be spending all the time needed in classrooms or on their school work. Heading off to college is one of the most exciting experiences in a young person’s life. The idea of furthering their education, gaining independence and making new friends all make college life appealing. Naturally, there is some stress and anxiety involved as well. Students wonder how they will manage the course workload and how they will support themselves financially. Whether you are a future student or a parent, you may be interested to know how many hours college students study per week â€" is study really as all-encompassing as you think? Read on to find out more. How Do College Students Spend Their Time Of course the focus of college is gain a quality education that will set students up for a successful future. Classes, focus groups, exams and assignments all play a significant part in the educational experience, so it may surprise you to discover that this isn’t where most students spend most of their time. A study by the Bureau of Labour Statistics found that in a 24-hour period, students only spent 3.5 hours on educational-related activities (1). It is important to note that this figure includes classes as well as extra time spent on assignments, homework and exam preparation. The University of Michigan â€" Flint recommends that students spend 2-3 hours of study for every credit hour each week (2). So let’s do some math. 1 course = 3 credit hours = 6-9 hours of study each week. Approximately. Full time students undertake 12-18 credit hours each semester, therefore the expectation of time spent on extra homework and study is anywhere between 24 and 54 hours each week. Seems like a lot. And remember, this is recommended homework and study time, you have to factor in the actual 12-18 hours that students spend in the classroom. This brings the weekly total to somewhere between 36 and 72 hours! The Bureau of Labour Statistics released their findings based on a 24-hour period, so if we alter the guidelines from a weekly figure to a daily one, it is recommended that students spend 5.14 â€" 10.29 hours on education activities each day. These results make it a fair assumption that students are not as time-laden with their educational responsibilities as they make out to be. So where do college students spend the majority of their time? And can they find more time to focus on their studies. Keep reading. Image courtesy of How Long Should I Study Where is Time Spent? It will come as no surprise that the majority of time in a 24-hour period is spent sleeping, around 8.8 hours. Sleep is important so it is probably worth leaving that time as it is. So are there other areas that students could decrease the time spent in order to optimize their study time? The chart below highlights the results from the BLS Time Use Survey, showing that the other two sizeable chunks of time are spent on sport and leisure, and work related activities. The former probably comes as no surprise, after all, isn’t college also about having fun? The work factor adds a great discussion point. Many students need to work to support themselves financially, even full time students, so quite often it will take priority. To ask students to cut their work hours may not always be possible. Likewise sport commitments may also be difficult to decrease. Sure, it is probably safe to say that time spent watching television could be less, but realistically, with only 24 hours in a day, there is only so much a college student can get done. How Much Time Do College Students Spend on Social Media? While the BLS results included an ‘other’ section, it is not clear what type of activities this may include. It is reasonable to consider the use of mobile phones and social media in this category (although it may also fall under leisure activities). Either way, it is no doubt a large part of a college student’s life. With mobile phones often acting as an extra appendage in the hands of young people, the results of an online survey conducted by Baylor University offers the following information; “The students reported spending the most time texting, with an average of 94.6 minutes a day. That was followed by sending emails (48.5 minutes), checking  Facebook  (38.6 minutes), surfing the Internet (34.4 minutes), and listening to music (26.9 minutes).” (3) This same study concluded that women use their phone a hugely time consuming ten hours each day!! Their male counterparts spend almost eight hours. This is a lot of time. Of course people need to use phones to maintain communication lines and relationships, and emails may often be school-related, but it certainly gives some good for thought when it comes to effective time management. Average Time College Students Spend Studying Naturally some subjects are more time consuming than others. Equally, there may also be a difference between first year students and seniors. Results from the National Survey of Student Engagement shows that various course majors spend different amounts of time on extra homework and study. The table below compares various courses and how much time students spend preparing for class. A large proportion of engineering students spend more than 20 hours each week, while most business or finance students fail to hit the 20 hour mark (4). The differences in course material and faculty expectations could account for these differences, but it shows that regardless of the course, students don’t seem to be doing enough outside the classroom to gain the academic results that they are truly capable of. Based on the results of the time use survey and how many study hours are recommended, it will come as no surprise that 22% of engineer majors who spend more than 20 hours each week preparing for class, still feel unprepared (4). Perhaps There is too Much Partying… There is the common thought that college students spend countless hours in a day hanging out at parties and spend far too much time hanging out with their friends instead of focusing on the fact that they have come to college to gain an educational qualification. A study by UCLA shows that this is, in fact, not necessarily the case. The amount of time freshman students spend socializing and drinking have both declined over recent years (5). But, how much time do college students spend on social media? Students clearly aren’t spending their newfound time on studying, so perhaps phones and social media have a lot to answer for? What Does All of This Mean? Whichever way you look at it, college students are not spending as much time on their actual education as they could or should be spending, that much is clear. However, with the large gap between what is recommended and what students are doing in reality, one has to wonder if the educational expectations are too high. Equally, college students are still graduating successfully, so they must be doing something right. Socializing and drinking have decreased, but the use of mobile phones and social media is on the rise and soaring. Students still work to support themselves and there will always be time spent on sleeping, eating, life stuff and travel. Overall, students are attending college in an ever-changing world â€" one where internet use is becoming more and more essential, and social networking may have just as much of an impact on future employment as do their educational results. There should always be more time spent for educational activities, but perhaps it is just not as essential as once thought. And thats our review of how college students spend their time! We can help you find the best private tutor near you! It’s simple and secure â€" Get real results fast. Your first hour with any tutor is protected by our Good Fit Guarantee: You don't pay for tutoring unless you find a good fit. Choose Your Subject â€" Add Your Zip Code â€" Find Top Rated Tutors Starting Today! InPerson or Online Online InPerson

7 Tips for Your College Freshman Year

7 Tips for Your College Freshman Year Starting college can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be if you have the right mindset. Follow the following steps if you want to be able to stay calm, focus on your goals, and have a fun time in your first year of higher education!1.) PrioritizingPrioritizing is one of the best actions you can take to become a successful student. To prioritize, you must first determine what is important to you. Since you want to be a successful at school, it’s best to ensure your assignments get organized in a way that’s manageable and won’t let you miss any deadlines. Just remember: the opposite of prioritizing is procrastination!2.) Early Submission = Less StressUsually during the school year, there are times where things seem to be piling up and you think, “ My teachers are out to get me!” Though there is no real evidence to prove that your teacher wants you to be miserable, it’s your responsibility to make sure you meet those deadlines. Hence, when you submit an assignment ear ly, it tends to make the school year just a little less stressful.3.) Ask Lots of QuestionsIf you’re like me, you get this tremendous fear that seems to take over your body when you want to raise your hand in class. Most of this fear is associated with either stumbling over your words while talking or thinking you maybe asking a “stupid” question. It may seem cliche’ and you may have heard this numerous times throughout your life but there are NO STUPID QUESTIONS! While in class, you are there to learn new things and they won’t always come across easy the first time around. So asking questions can help you understand the material better and not just for yourself, but your classmates as well who may be too shy to broadcast their own voices.4.) Review new material the same dayI know. Once you get out of class, you just want to go back to your room and relax. The last thing you would want to do is review all the material you just spent a hour or so going over in class. Howeve r, with the teacher’s voice and notes freshly imprinted in your mind, it makes it easier to remember the concepts when you review material the same day. Repetition helps with retaining more information.5.) One hour spent in class = Two hours of studying outside of the classroomThere never seems to be enough time in the day, especially when school is in session. However, there are positive effects when you follow the concept for every hour spent in class, you should spend two hours studying. This does not mean you have to sit in a cold library by yourself and stare at your books for an additional two hours. Studying outside of the classroom can involve speaking with your teacher about information you may not be sure of or getting together with your fellow classmates to form study groups.6.) There are resources EVERYWHERE!Thanks to technology, it has becoming easier to learn anything from virtually anywhere! Especially with the invention of a wonderful thing called the Internet! Yes , this wonderful modern world we live in has enabled us to learn basically anything via videos and instructional blogs. Hence, don’t be afraid to use what this world has blessed you with. YouTube is a life-saver! 7.)Stay Positive!So you got a bad grade on your first test. Yes I know; it sucks! You feel like you put your all into it but it still did not turn out the way you expected. Nevertheless, you can’t let this break your spirits. Instead, you should use it to fuel yourself into putting in more effort and time to achieve a higher grade next time.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

These Siblings Share a Common Bond Through Kumon

These Siblings Share a Common Bond Through Kumon These Siblings Share a Common Bond Through Kumon Sohavi and Waris are your typical siblings. Sohavi has a strong interest in dance and Waris loves basketball! Sohavi hopes to become a hedge fund manager (if her rock career doesn’t work out) and Waris dreams of becoming a software engineer (if he’s not drafted by the Milwaukee Bucks of course)! Differences aside, siblings often motivate and inspire each other. One common bond that these two siblings share is Kumon and a love for learning! Ever since Sohavi and Waris began their Kumon journey, the dynamic duo has developed great study habits and discipline through their daily practice. Starting at a young age, they have paved a path towards their future success in and out of the classroom. MEET SOHAVI Sohavi, 10-years-old, Math Level G Sohavi’s natural sense of wonder and gift of creativity have been driving forces in her success with Kumon. At 10-years-old, she is already working on algebra concepts like simplifying algebraic expressions in the Kumon Math Program. Having an academic edge over her peers, she attends the 5th grade math class even though she’s only in the 4th grade. Sohavi has gained the confidence and independence to take on any challenge and is determined to go on and complete the Kumon Math Program. Outside of the classroom, Sohavi enjoys a wide variety of extracurricular activities including Bhangra dance performances (a native Punjabi form of dance), perfecting her breaststroke on swim team, and learning songs by Led Zeppelin on the guitar. MEET WARIS Waris, 8-years-old, Math Level G 8-year-old Waris began his Kumon journey two years ago and has since made remarkable strides. With sharp mental calculation skills and improved focus, he continues to be at the top of his class. It’s no wonder that he’s already working on pre-algebra concepts in the Kumon Math Program â€" quite an impressive accomplishment for a 2nd grade student! Waris has even taken his skills to the competitive level. He was awarded first place in the school’s science fair, and even made it to the semi-finals in the spelling bee. Outside of the classroom, Waris is a busy kid. He particularly enjoys working on modular electronic building blocks, which has unlocked a love for technology. His future aspirations include becoming a computer/software engineer, with a back-up plan of playing for the Milwaukee Bucks. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Meet Marco, a Program Completer, Who Inspired Other Family Members to Reach their Highest Potential with Kumon Kumon Runs Deep for this Trio of Siblings Common Core and School Math Common Core and School English Language Arts These Siblings Share a Common Bond Through Kumon These Siblings Share a Common Bond Through Kumon Sohavi and Waris are your typical siblings. Sohavi has a strong interest in dance and Waris loves basketball! Sohavi hopes to become a hedge fund manager (if her rock career doesn’t work out) and Waris dreams of becoming a software engineer (if he’s not drafted by the Milwaukee Bucks of course)! Differences aside, siblings often motivate and inspire each other. One common bond that these two siblings share is Kumon and a love for learning! Ever since Sohavi and Waris began their Kumon journey, the dynamic duo has developed great study habits and discipline through their daily practice. Starting at a young age, they have paved a path towards their future success in and out of the classroom. MEET SOHAVI Sohavi, 10-years-old, Math Level G Sohavi’s natural sense of wonder and gift of creativity have been driving forces in her success with Kumon. At 10-years-old, she is already working on algebra concepts like simplifying algebraic expressions in the Kumon Math Program. Having an academic edge over her peers, she attends the 5th grade math class even though she’s only in the 4th grade. Sohavi has gained the confidence and independence to take on any challenge and is determined to go on and complete the Kumon Math Program. Outside of the classroom, Sohavi enjoys a wide variety of extracurricular activities including Bhangra dance performances (a native Punjabi form of dance), perfecting her breaststroke on swim team, and learning songs by Led Zeppelin on the guitar. MEET WARIS Waris, 8-years-old, Math Level G 8-year-old Waris began his Kumon journey two years ago and has since made remarkable strides. With sharp mental calculation skills and improved focus, he continues to be at the top of his class. It’s no wonder that he’s already working on pre-algebra concepts in the Kumon Math Program â€" quite an impressive accomplishment for a 2nd grade student! Waris has even taken his skills to the competitive level. He was awarded first place in the school’s science fair, and even made it to the semi-finals in the spelling bee. Outside of the classroom, Waris is a busy kid. He particularly enjoys working on modular electronic building blocks, which has unlocked a love for technology. His future aspirations include becoming a computer/software engineer, with a back-up plan of playing for the Milwaukee Bucks. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Meet Marco, a Program Completer, Who Inspired Other Family Members to Reach their Highest Potential with Kumon Kumon Runs Deep for this Trio of Siblings Common Core and School Math Common Core and School English Language Arts

Let italki help you find a language teacher with Learning Requests

Let italki help you find a language teacher with Learning Requests Finding a teacher thats right for a student can be a time-consuming process. Every student has different goals, and comes from a different background. Right now, students have to take the initiative to find a teacher. However, shouldnt there also be a way for students to post what they are looking for, so interested teachers can contact the students? Thats why were trying an experiment that were calling Learning Requests /teachers/learning_request.htm (you must be logged in) With Learning Requests, students can submit information about their: Background in the language What type of lessons they want Their budget Time availability After a student submits a Learning Request, italki will try its best to match up teachers that would be the most capable of helping the student to achieve his or her learning goals. italki will contact those teachers. Finally, italki will return a list of suggested teachers back to the student. Only students that have purchased italki Credits (ITC) can use this feature. We hope that this feature will be helpful for students who need help finding a teacher. We think this feature will eventually evolve into a system where teachers can easily view the demand for their services. If youre a teacher and would like to be on a recommended list for students, please send us an email to teacherhelp at italki dot com. If you have suggestions about how we can help match students and teachers, please feel free to send us ideas through our feedback form or through our email at feedback at italki dot com.

4 Things Business Majors should do this fall - TutorNerds

4 Things Business Majors should do this fall - TutorNerds 4 things a business major should do this fall Business Administration is one of the most popular majors because it gives students a broad range of skills that they can apply to a high-earning field. Once students adjust to college and declare a major, they are encouraged to become involved in their field and start preparing for a career. Business requires students to gain a lot of skills including networking, math, organization, and entrepreneurship. Because business is a broad field there are lots of different aspects of the career students can concentrate on but there are some things every business major should do this fall to be successful. 1. Know your numbers Many aspects of business administration require students to be savvy with numbers. Students may concentrate on financial aspects of business and will be crunching numbers all day long, or they might just need to know ballpark figures to meet a companys growth goals for a particular quarter. As a result, business majors should focus on applied math and take courses that are specifically intended for students in their field (READ: 5 Things to do before you go away to college). 2. Network! Business administration has a huge social element and students should know how to network in a business setting appropriately. Networking for work is not the same as networking for purely social reasons and students are encouraged to learn the difference before graduation. One of the best ways for students to get started at honing their networking skills is to join business related clubs and organizations on campus. Younger students will have the chance to network with upperclassmen, teaching assistants and professors depending on the parameters of the club. Business administration majors are also encouraged to attend lectures and speeches given by visiting professionals. Many on-campus clubs provide opportunities for students to listen to some of the most successful alumni in their field. 3. Choose a concentration Because business is such a broad field, College students will have an opportunity to choose a particular concentration that they will eventually specialize in. Business majors are encouraged to start thinking about which aspects of business they enjoy the most and which they are most talented in. Is entrepreneurship something of interest? Does the student want to work for a large established corporation? Are they more interested in the financial aspects of business? Do they want to travel and network with people from other countries to focus on international business prospects? Students should not feel that they have to pin down a particular concentration within one semester, but it’s something they should start thinking about. 4. Research internship opportunities Its also important for business majors to start thinking about what internship opportunities might become available to them next summer. Internships allow students an opportunity to get their feet wet at a particular company and learn about the day-to-day workings of their future career field. The best internships have steep competition and are filled early on in the year so students are encouraged to do the research now so they can start applying and interviewing soon. Students may even be able to participate in more than one internship if they last only a couple of weeks or return to the same summer-long internship each year until graduation. If possible, students can even get an internship at the corporation theyre interested in working at after graduation so they can start making connections early on. Our experienced San Diego college tutors are here to help you with any subject. From math to business, our experienced tutors will help you succeed. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Education Is The Movement From Darkness To Light

Education Is The Movement From Darkness To Light Education is the movement from darkness to light Allan Bloom (1930-1992) Allan Bloom was an American philosopher and academician. He subsequently taught at Cornell University, the University of Toronto, Yale University, Ecole Normale Superieure of Paris, and the University of Chicago. Bloom became famous for his criticism of contemporary American higher education. He expressed his views in his popular book, The Closing of the American Mind. If you don’t catch everything during class or have some questions about any subject our tutors can help you. All tutors on are highly qualified, patient and creative. Every session is one-to-one and personalized to help you understand your specific  questions.  So dont wait, get the best tutor  in a click.

Is There Chemistry Between Us?

Is There Chemistry Between Us?As couples get to know each other, some people will wonder if there is chemistry between them. Is there chemistry between us?For most people, this would be a familiar question to a highly trained organic chemist. I would also like to make it clear that, unless you have taken a chemistry course, it's quite likely that you do not know what you are talking about!When two people meet, they generally decide on the clothes they will wear together - unless they both want to do the same outfit and then they will try to avoid conflict. But we don't just go straight for the clothes - it's important to decide whether they're going to work well together or not. For example, if you both want to go for a picnic at the local park, you have to decide whether you will sit in the same seat, not one that is uncomfortable.If your colleagues have always been nice to you, it's likely that they will continue to be that way, even if you have never worked with them before. Altho ugh you may want to start working with them, you have to make sure that there is common ground before you work with them, otherwise you might come across as slightly pushy or unpleasant.For those who are interested in knowing whether there is chemistry between us, they should look for signs of the people they are trying to attract. They should also keep their eyes open for these signs when they meet someone else, in the hope that they will be attracted to the person in turn.A new boyfriend, for example, may seem like the perfect guy, but he may not make you laugh, and you may think that you are taking the relationship too seriously. On the other hand, you may realise that his girlfriend never laughs, and that's the real reason she got him into bed.By finding out where the common ground lies between the two of you, you will be able to ask her out for coffee at a cafe or to a local bar. It's not about getting a number and talking about how much you are in love, it's about making a dec ision on how you feel about each other.

Reasons to Choose a French Tutor

Reasons to Choose a French TutorWhen choosing a French tutor for your child, there are several things to consider. First, you will want to ask yourself why you would want to select a French tutor for your child. Perhaps you will be tutoring your child in French to better communicate with a friend or relative who speaks the language. Or maybe you will be tutoring your child to improve their language skills and you have tried traditional French classes but have not found them to be effective in teaching your child the basics of the language.French tutors will often come with experience in the language, and this is especially important if you are having trouble teaching your child the language on your own. It is best to use the services of a professional, since they will be able to give you excellent instruction and reinforce your own techniques. Also, you will want to make sure that they have years of experience, as this will help them to concentrate on what they are teaching your chil d.An important aspect of French tutoring is that it is English. You should never attempt to teach your child a language they do not understand. Once your child has started to learn the basics of the language, they will eventually want to speak to their friends in English. In addition, if your child is a beginner at learning a new language, you will want to start them off in a lesson with someone who knows the language well.If you have limited resources, English tutoring can be an excellent choice. There are several advantages to this, including that you do not need to devote much time to teaching your child; you do not need to worry about communication with your French teacher because they will also understand the language; and you will have access to a variety of learning materials, such as audio programs, games, etc.Some parents may consider French to be a less demanding language than English. This is especially true if your child has only been speaking it for a short period of ti me. French tutoring does not necessarily mean that your child will have to spend every day listening to instructions from a speaker in front of a class. If they are already listening to a book or listening to music in English, then French tutoring may not be necessary.Students who do not speak French will often find that there are many benefits to the practice of this language. Students can enjoy the physical activity and social interaction that it brings, and they can gain a better understanding of the language by listening to CDs and reading books in French. Aside from the fact that they are able to practice their language skills, students can also go to the movies, read books, or attend classes in French.French tutoring can help children who have begun to learn the language in order to improve their self-esteem. While there are many advantages to practicing the language in the classroom, for some children it is a matter of practicality. Before choosing a French tutor, consider th e reasons why you would choose them, as well as the benefits of working with a professional.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Understanding the Different Tutoring and Coaching Styles

Understanding the Different Tutoring and Coaching StylesSummer camp tutoring is the task of tutoring children who are very young in age to understand the basic skills that are needed to succeed in an academic, social and behavioral area. The tutor will usually be a faculty member or an educator who has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the subject matter and will be committed to making sure that the learning level is consistent.A common area of interest for tutoring is computer literacy and if it is taught through computer sessions then tutoring is called screen-based tutoring. The staff at the summer camp will be required to apply the same techniques that they would do in real life for these sessions.The coaching the children are required to receive from the tutor is one of the most important aspects of the tutoring session and this is an important skill to assess as this is what will give the teacher their teaching ability. The tutor will be able to assess the individual child in the sessions, as this will give them a decent basis to judge how well the child is working and adapting to the tutor.The coach will then require the tutor to be an effective communicator. This will give the tutor a better understanding of how the children are communicating with them as well as giving the tutor the ability to listen to them in order to interpret what they are communicating. The tutor will also have to give the child confidence in the skills they are learning and the tutor will have to be able to implement them as well as speak with the child at all times.The tutor will be required to be aware of the correct environment to be in. As this will enable the tutor to adapt to the child's individual requirements in the sessions. The tutor will also have to be familiar with the child's physical and social environments as well as the public and private area to begin to improve the enjoyment of the session.Children will be required to do well in the tutor's sessions a nd will need to be very alert and to learn things that will help them achieve their goals in life. The child will also need to be able to relax and enjoy the sessions without feeling guilty or disappointed at any point.The tutoring sessions will then be conducted in a classroom environment which will enable the tutor to get to know the child's characteristics and special needs. The child will also be required to give the tutor their honest opinions and will need to be able to communicate with the tutor during the sessions.